Sunday, May 19, 2013


Yeah for my first blog post :) How many blogs do I a million? Why have I not blogged until now....I have no idea. So as with most things I do, let's just start this on a whim!

I am a stay at home mom to 3 wonderfully crazy, out of control, messy boys. Did I mention messy? Because I mean the kind of dirty where I want to run them through the drive-in car wash kind of gross. I swear, only a power washer could get my middle one clean. Anyway, I refer to them as L (7), D (5) and J (1.5), and my husband is P. As for me, I get a whole name (cuz I'm awesome), it's Amanda Faith.

Right now I am pretty busy, in addition to our daily out of control life. Yeah I know....what was I thinking?!!! I truly enjoy everything I do but if you ever want to hear about someone having a breakdown....then stay tuned.

So please join me for what I am sure will be lots of kid-fueled posts, laughs, mishaps and more as I try to keep my sanity.

Thanks for joining me!

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