Thursday, May 8, 2014

I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom!

I love the movie Mean Girls, and when I say love I mean I have it memorized. At 32, am I too old to love it so much? Heck no, that movie is the best! Not only do I own it, but if it is on I boot the boys to another room and watch it for the umpteenth time. One of my favorite lines is Regina's mom "I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom."

Towards the end of the school year I started feeling....."blah" about my house, life, etc. I swear everyone else's house is nicer, they have a better car, nicer furniture, their kids wear socks that match.....just ugh! Well there's not too much I can do it about it. I'm not buying anything nice until these boys have moved out. They have ruined everything, things I didn't even think could be broken- oh yeah they proved me wrong. So until then what can I do? I figured I can at least make myself look nice. I can't even wave to people at school in the morning because I literally didn't even take 3 minutes to brush my hair before I dropped my kids off and I'm embarrassed to be seen in public. Pajamas, glasses, sometimes not even shoes. I mean if you aren't getting out of the car and are headed back home to watch the Young and The Restless why really try?

NO MORE! I am starting the "No More Lazy Mom, Only Cool Mom" brigade. I have been on Pinterest like crazy the last 2 months. Have you been on Pinterest....ha ha just kidding, I know you have spent hours on there too. I have actually been testing the things I find to see if they are "Mom" approved. With 3 kids do you really think I have time to draw little bows on my nails or add jewels? Pssshhhh! It is my goal to find realistic, easy ways for moms to beautify themselves so we aren't tossing a hat on our head for the 5th day in a row. We are gorgeous, our kids just make it hard to show it sometimes! This isn't about looking better than another mom, or showing anyone up. This is about YOU and how you feel about yourself.

If you haven't found me on Pinterest yet do so now, I have a board called "No more lazy mom, only cool mom." As I complete an idea I will post about it and pin my results. It's a win-win for you! Not only do you get to see your favorite pins completed, but if it fails it is me rocking out smudged eyeliner and not you. Right now the board is filled with ideas I think are doable until I get some of the tutorials made.

Until then, rock out your Mom Jeans ladies because we will be sending then to Goodwill soon!

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