Thursday, May 8, 2014

I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom!

I love the movie Mean Girls, and when I say love I mean I have it memorized. At 32, am I too old to love it so much? Heck no, that movie is the best! Not only do I own it, but if it is on I boot the boys to another room and watch it for the umpteenth time. One of my favorite lines is Regina's mom "I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom."

Towards the end of the school year I started feeling....."blah" about my house, life, etc. I swear everyone else's house is nicer, they have a better car, nicer furniture, their kids wear socks that match.....just ugh! Well there's not too much I can do it about it. I'm not buying anything nice until these boys have moved out. They have ruined everything, things I didn't even think could be broken- oh yeah they proved me wrong. So until then what can I do? I figured I can at least make myself look nice. I can't even wave to people at school in the morning because I literally didn't even take 3 minutes to brush my hair before I dropped my kids off and I'm embarrassed to be seen in public. Pajamas, glasses, sometimes not even shoes. I mean if you aren't getting out of the car and are headed back home to watch the Young and The Restless why really try?

NO MORE! I am starting the "No More Lazy Mom, Only Cool Mom" brigade. I have been on Pinterest like crazy the last 2 months. Have you been on Pinterest....ha ha just kidding, I know you have spent hours on there too. I have actually been testing the things I find to see if they are "Mom" approved. With 3 kids do you really think I have time to draw little bows on my nails or add jewels? Pssshhhh! It is my goal to find realistic, easy ways for moms to beautify themselves so we aren't tossing a hat on our head for the 5th day in a row. We are gorgeous, our kids just make it hard to show it sometimes! This isn't about looking better than another mom, or showing anyone up. This is about YOU and how you feel about yourself.

If you haven't found me on Pinterest yet do so now, I have a board called "No more lazy mom, only cool mom." As I complete an idea I will post about it and pin my results. It's a win-win for you! Not only do you get to see your favorite pins completed, but if it fails it is me rocking out smudged eyeliner and not you. Right now the board is filled with ideas I think are doable until I get some of the tutorials made.

Until then, rock out your Mom Jeans ladies because we will be sending then to Goodwill soon!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cheap things to do this summer

Now that we've gone over 100+ free things to do this summer, let's explore the cheap ones. I didn't really have a budget in mind here, but these are the things I could think of that would cost at least gas, food or a reasonable amount of money.

  • Many places offer 2 free games of bowling every day all summer! You will just need to pay for shoes and possibly drinks. Check AMF, and Brunswick offers 1 game a day.
  • Chuck E Cheese. If you go to just play it's not bad, basically everything is just 25 cents. Also if you are like me I cruise around and pick up all the bonus tickets I see on the floor shibby! CEC also offers a ton of charts where your kids can earn 10 tokens for completing something cool. I love that they offer a "No Nose Picking" one now. Sadly as a mom of is needed. They also offers coupons if you do want to eat.
  • Fast food playplace. You are probably thinking, shouldn't this be on the free list? Possibly, but how many of us every really go and don't end up buying ice cream, a drink or even a full on meal? I tell my boys they get X and that's what we do. It's air conditioned, a controlled environment, a bathroom and you can take a book, or your laptop.
  • Rollerskating. What's up junior high flashback?! This is pretty cheap and most places offer fun themes, discount days & more.
  • Local Rec Center. Lots of fun things to do for a couple bucks each. If you get a membership you can save even more. 
  • Search summer pass and your city's name. 
  • Go to a festival. Again this could be free but you are bound to buy something there. 
  • Visit the farmers market.
  • Go garage sale hopping. Visit to find them and even map out your route.
  • Take a mini vacation to a family members house. 
  • Take a road trip through the mountains or country. 
  • Have a lemonade stand. Bonus points: hold one for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation.
  • Take cookies to the fire station or donuts to the police station.
  • Tye-Dye clothes.
  • Make jewelry. Use your own beads or pick up a few in the clearance section of the craft store. 
  • Have a shaving cream fight.
  • Build a Fairy House. I am dying to do this!
  • Make a working volcano
  • Go to another city and explore. Window shop, get an ice cream, check out their park. 
  • Go camping.
  • Make milkshakes or sundaes. 
  • Play mini-golf
  • Buy a family membership to your favorite place in town, the one you know you will go to 15 times and it will be totally worth the money. Ours is the zoo.

  • Regal offers $1 movies Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10 AM. Sign up for their Crown Club and you can even credits for free popcorn, sodas & more.
  • Cinemark Summer Movie Clubhouse. 10 movies for $5 (AWESOME) or $1 each if paid at the door. 
  •  Carmike has $4 kids movies
  • If you have a drive-in near you they are freakin amazing! You get to pull in with your mom van, bring food, snacks and see typically at least 2 movies. There aren't too many left anymore so get to one if you can!
  • Check out your local discount movie theater. That is the #1 place we go when we see movies.  

  • You can literally type in the place you want to go, plus coupon and you are bound to find one. 
  • Groupon. I am a little embarrassed to say I didn't know Groupon offered discounts to places like bounce houses, mini golf & etc. I recently found out and have been stocking up for the summer. If you get waaaay too many emails from these deals sites check out Yipit. It is a giant mash up of all the sites AND you get to check your preferences which is nice. 
  • You can get coupons for all kinds of things on Ebay. Including fast food, restaurants, attractions and more. Just be sure you check for any restrictions (like excluded states) and expiration dates.

Ok well that is my cheap list, I hope it helps you out. As always if I am missing something please let me know and I can add it!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

100+ Free Things to do this summer

Ahhh.....summer break! Although I have the kids at home fighting all day I am SO happy to have the reprieve from all the meetings, clubs, appointments & etc. I still like to keep us busy and there are a million lists of free things to do. I've really thought mine through and listed only things that are free or you should have around the house. We will be doing a few of these each week and I will post pictures, free printables and more to go along with them, so make sure you check back! Plus later in the week I will be posting a list of Cheap things to do for summer and a list of things for mom.

  1. Check out and make Flat Stanley
  2. An indoor or outdoor obstacle course
  3. Write and Illustrate your own story book
  4. Make Pet/Monster/Picnic Blanket Rocks
  5. Rainbow crayons from your old crayons
  6. Paper planes
  7. A Scrapbook
  8. Puzzles/mazes
  9. A home movie
  10. Goop, Play-dough, or finger paints
  11. Popsicles, cupcakes, cookies
  12. Make a flip book
  13. Have a lego or block building contest
  14. Leaf rubbings
  15. Trace your bodies in chalk and then decorate yourself
  16. A tent
  17. A Kite
  18. Press flowers and make them into stationary/cards
  19. A Sundial
  20. Hats or masks
  21. Start a summer diary to remember all this awesomeness!
  22. Your own music video to your favorite song
  23. A comic book
  24. A Time capsule
  25. S'Mores
  26. A collage
  27. Silhouette Cameos. Make them of yourselves, then try toys and more.
  28. A dream board
  29. Your own board game

  1. Geocaching
  2. Letterboxing
  3. Find a pen pal and write them a letter. Try Students of the World or PenPal World. Always monitor your child's correspondence and be careful when giving out personal information online.
  4. Make a card and send it to a family member or friend
  5. Have a sleepover
  6. Volunteer. is my favorite to use.
  7. Visit the pet store
  8. Have a treasure/scavenger hunt
  9. Catch bugs (and let them go)
  10. Go on a Park Passport tour (this printable will be available soon!)
  11. Explore the neighborhood
  12. Feed ducks, birds and squirrels at the park (I know you aren't supposed to feed them but don't we all?)
  13.  Join your local library's summer reading program, also Barnes and Noble, Pottery Barn, Sylvan (bonus they test the kids after they've read the book so you know they aren't cheating ;) Pizza Hut Book-It (TONS of printables relating to specific books and lots more) Half Price (earn a $5 credit woo hoo)
  14. Go to a story time
  15. Make prank calls to family and friends (ONLY the ones who will be OK with it)
  16. Complete 5 random acts of kindness
  17. Take the dog for a walk
  18. Hunt for four leaf clovers
  19. Have a family awards ceremony
  20. Have a photo prop session. The Party Event has tons of ideas you can use.
  21. Trace pictures from a book and then color them in
  22. Copy a famous painting
  23. Go on a hike
  24. Take your favorite toy on an adventure. Take pictures of it in the grocery store, the park, & etc. At the end of summer you can make a photo book of everywhere it went.
  25. Have a birthday party for your pet or favorite toy
  26. Donate some of your old books to the children's hospital
  27. Go on a picnic
  28. Find a free concert in the park
  29. Plant Seeds
  30. Read a Dr. Seuss book backwards (Hilarious!)
  31. Have a toy/book/clothing swap party
  32. Find a free VBS
  33. Download the Storia App and get 5 free e-books
  34. Find a book that has been made into a movie. Spend a week or so reading the book then watch the movie and see how they compare.
  35. Find an episode of one of your favorite shows on YouTube, or something "vintage" like Smurfs- a personal fav of mine
  36. Star gaze, learn the constellations and the moon phases
  37. Make up your own holiday
  38. Find a local free day event
  39. Have a tea party
  40. Camp in your back yard
  41. Find a free factory tour
  42. Earn some Chuck E Cheese tokens
  43. Have a pajama day, even let them go to the store like that (like we don't already do this right?)
  44. Paint with water
  45. Join Postcrossing and exchange post cards all over the world.
  46. Join Swapbot. You can search for swaps just for kids. NOTE: there will be some shipping depending on the swap so keep that in mind.

  1. Tic Tac Toe
  2. Bingo
  3. Have a Pillow Sack Race
  4. Have friends over for a playdate
  5. Go Fish
  6. Play in the sprinkler
  7. Have a dance party
  8. Make and have a puppet show
  9. Play Memory
  10. Old Maid
  11. Sing Karaoke
  12. Play School House (ironic kids like to play this in the summer!)
  13. Make your own Summer Olympics
  14. Hot potato
  15. Play Car Wash (BONUS your car gets clean!)
  16. Dress Up
  17. Have a Fake Accent Day
  18. Jump Rope
  19. Hopscotch
  20. Play mahjong online (or find another free game)
  21. Charades
  22. Have a family/neighborhood talent show
  23. Tag/freeze tag
  24. Truth or Dare
  25. Jacks
  26. Hangman

  1. How to Zentangle. is my favorite site.
  2. How to skip rocks
  3. Research another country/religion
  4. Learn useful phrases in a new language
  5. Learn basic sign language
  6. A new song
  7. Origami
  8. A magic trick
  9. Juggling
  10. Tying knots
  11. Bird Watching
  12. How to play chess
  13. A new word every day
  14. A new math fact every day
  15. Teach your kiddos the basics of your computer, Word programs & etc.
  16. Pig Latin
  17. How to meditate
  18. Learn kitchen measurements, cups, teaspoons, gallons, ounces & etc.
  19. The rules to a new sport, or one you love
  20. A new craft- painting, sewing, knitting, drawing, etc.
Check with your local place to be sure before you go
Home Depot- Free kids workshop 1st Saturday of every month
Lowe's- Build & Grow classes for kids
Michael's- Lot's of different free in-store make and take projects
Toys R Us has free events every now & then
The Disney Store has occasional events. Check your local store for events
Lakeshore Learning- Free crafts for kids every Saturday
Pottery Barn free events
Lego Store Free monthly mini model build and other events. These are insanely popular so check with your local store to see if they hand out tickets before hand or how early you need to show up.
The Apple store teaches classes and has learning camps on occassion
American Girl store offers crafts & fun events
Bass Pro Shop offers crafts and lots of fun events

Phew! I worked my tush off on this list! If you have more ideas send them my way. Don't forget to come back for the list of cheap fun and treats just for mom.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Yeah for my first blog post :) How many blogs do I a million? Why have I not blogged until now....I have no idea. So as with most things I do, let's just start this on a whim!

I am a stay at home mom to 3 wonderfully crazy, out of control, messy boys. Did I mention messy? Because I mean the kind of dirty where I want to run them through the drive-in car wash kind of gross. I swear, only a power washer could get my middle one clean. Anyway, I refer to them as L (7), D (5) and J (1.5), and my husband is P. As for me, I get a whole name (cuz I'm awesome), it's Amanda Faith.

Right now I am pretty busy, in addition to our daily out of control life. Yeah I know....what was I thinking?!!! I truly enjoy everything I do but if you ever want to hear about someone having a breakdown....then stay tuned.

So please join me for what I am sure will be lots of kid-fueled posts, laughs, mishaps and more as I try to keep my sanity.

Thanks for joining me!

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